February 2019: Activity targeted to children of INSPIRA and their mothers, in Club Coser, Surco District. Inspira is a temporary shelter for children suffering from cancer, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and burns, who come to Lima from remote and vulnerable sectors of the country, to receive treatment at Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas – INEN (National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases) or Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño – INSN (National Institute of Child Health). Ricardo Pun-Chong is the creator of Inspira and  2018 CNN Hero of the Year, an award given as a recognition for people that do great social work.

This activity was organized to celebrate Love and Friendship Day. Educational activity was carried out for the children and mothers of Inspira, with the technical and pedagogical support of the Colectivo Independiente company. Workers registered as Voluntarios Luz del Sur had the opportunity to live together with their families the experience of volunteering. In this way, the development of the spirit of solidarity and generosity with the family is extended, in addition to the true sense of Social Responsibility. The objective of this activity was to bring a little of the joy and hope that Inspira children and mothers need during a difficult stage, in addition to transmitting a message of values ​​through playful activities. It was a morning of fun and much learning for both the beneficiaries and the volunteers. We shared a nice lunch and delivered some gifts for the children as a reminder of an unforgettable day. The result exceeded our expectations, thanks to 29 Voluntarios Luz del Sur, who collaborated for the success of this event. The positive impact on the beneficiaries was recorded in testimonies, which were disseminated to all company staff days after the event.